Best Medical Tourism Companies In India

Approximately 2 million people visit India every year for medical, wellness, and IVF treatments from over 78 countries in the world , making it a top medical tourism destination in the world. This has let to an increased search for the best medical tourism companies in India to facilitate and assist international patients.

5 Best Medical Tourism Companies in India

The growth of the health care sector in India has also given birth to a rise of various medical tourism companies in india to facilitate the high demand for medical services in India and to help international patients get access to the right information, right hospitals and top doctors for treatment. 

In this article we will be taking a look at the top 5 medical tourism companies to choose from.

When travelling to India for medical tourism, the process may seem overwhelming to you , especially if it is your first time visiting India, more so there are a lot of agents out there that claim to help Patients but see it as but use it as a mean of extortion , some take patients to hospital that are not accredited by the NABH ( National Accreditation Board of Hospitals ) , some add extra fees on medical bills and medications, over charge for accomodation and provide little or no assistance during patients stay in India. 

with all this problems , it is very important to chose the right medical tourism company to assist you through out the process so you only get quality information , get referred to the right hospitals and doctors and to prevent any form of extortion. 

As we have established there are a lot of medical tourism comapnies in India to chose from but we will only take a look at the top 5 medical tour companies in India. 

  1. SENGE.IN is the best medical tourism company in India for African, it is a health care company owned by an African that seeks to meet the Acute need for quality health care in Africa, they are specialized in taking care of patients from all over Africa get access to Top docotors and hospitals in India and get treatment at an affordable cost. 

Focused on verifying hospitals , doctors and the latest technology and equipments used to treat patients, so every patient coming in for treatment in India can be confident they are getting treatment by the right team of doctors with experience and latest technology and equipments for proper treatment. 

With all Patients can get up to 10% OFF on all their medical bills at any hospital to make their treatment even more affordable, and they help patients in from consulting a doctor , visa assistance , accomodation, assistance during stay in Indian , tourism around India, and follow up after treatment. 

If you are a patient from Africa , is the best option for you as it is owned and managed by Africans who will understand your needs better and facilitate every aspect of your treatment and give you the best care you deserve. 

Treatment areas covered by include ; Knee replacement surgey, Bone marrow transpalnt, IVF, Neuro surgery, Brain tumor, eye surgery, dental implants, plastic surgery, kidney transplant, liver transplant, heart transplant, Breast cancer and may more. 

For more information on how can assist you click here.


Vaidam is a top medical tourism company that focuses on assisting patients all around the globe get access to top medical facilities in destinations such as Turkey, Gernamy, India, South Korea , and may more, Vaidam seeks to be the biggest name in medical tourism globally. 

They help patients in consulting doctors and getting access to top medical facilities for treat ment at an affordable cost in the patient’s desire medical tourism destination. 

If you are looking to explore medical tourism in destinations such as those liseted above , then vaidam is a great option to consider. 

for more information on vaidam and the service they provide to patients , you can visite their website here. 

3. Clinicspots

Clinicspots is another great option when it comes to chosing a medical tourism facilitator in india. Their focus is to help patients get treatment at top cities such as mumbai, delhi, chennai, in the country at an affordable cost. 

Clinicspots is focused of giving the best assistance to patients looking to travel to india for medical tourism and to help them get treatment at the best hospitals in India. 

they are certainly an option to consider when it come to picking the right medical tourism partner in India. They help patients coming for procedures such as , knee replacement, cosmetic surgery, dental surgery, cancer, heart transplant and many more.

for more information about clinicspots and the services they offer , you can visit their webstie here.

4. Mediconnect 

MediConnect is a medical tourism agency based in Delhi. This company provides personalised packages which will take care of all your requirements and have an interactive portal and easy to connect options.

They cover a wide range of hospitals that provide all type of treatments. Their aim is to be one of the best medical tourism companies in India directed towards helping people who are seeking medical care. They make sure that your treatment is done in the most advanced way.

Mediconnect is certainly one of the best options to chose from when it come to seeking a medical tourism partner in India.  They cover a wide range of treatments at multiple hospitals. 

For more information about Mediconnect and the services they offer, please visit their website

5. Medsurge india

Medsurege India , is another great option when ot come to medical tourism companies in India.

Medsurge India is a pioneering and reputable company in the field of medical tourism in India. India has world-class medical facilities that are comparable to those found in Western and European countries. With the best medical professionals and infrastructure, India can offer you the most affordable medical treatment. India is the most desirable health destination because Ayurveda and Naturopathy are available in their purest form.

For international patients visiting India, Medsurge India offers great treatment and tour packages. they assist international patients in receiving the highest quality medical services and treatment facilities through our unique cost-control methodology. We have collaborated with various hospitals and medical experts who cover all aspects of health care, including modern, holistic, and alternative treatments, as a company.

For more information about Medsurge India and their service , please visit their website

How to choose the best medical tourism company

In conclusion, there are many more medical tourism companies to help facilitate your treatment in India, we decided to compile a list of what we feel are the best medical tourism companies in India for international patients, which ever one you chose, do make sure you speak with their team and find out all the information you need to clearify any doubts you may have , so you can make and informed decision. 

And we do hope and paray that you get the best treatment throguh out your stay in India. 

To consult a doctor about a specific medical condtion, click here.